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CMU200 射頻測試使用操作培訓 —— CDMA手機測試篇



        CMU200 是德國羅德-施瓦茨(Rohde-Schwarz,R&S)生產的手機綜測儀,可以用于GSM、WCDMA、CDMA2000 等各種制式的射頻性能測試。CMU200和Agilent 8960是手機研發設計和生產過程中最常用的兩款綜測儀,對于手機射頻工程師和測試工程師,掌握CMU200的使用操作是必不可少的工作技能要求。

        01. CDMA終端測試簡介(R&S CMU200)
        02. R&S CDMA2000應用培訓教材
        03. CMU200的基本設置及測試基本操作--CDMA2000
        04. CMU200 CDMA2000手機測試步驟
        05. CMU CDMA2000 BASIC Training
        06. CMU200 EVDO Testing
        07. CMU200 Operating Manual for CDMA2000 Mobile Tests

02. R&S CDMA2000應用培訓教材

        R&S 中國培訓中心關于CDMA2000和CMU200的培訓教材,直觀地介紹的CMDA2000的基礎知識和使用CMU200測試CDMA2000射頻指標的具體操作。教材共127頁,PDF格式,內容如下:
        第一章:CDMA2000 基礎
        第三章:CDMA 功率控制
        第四章:CMU200 介紹
        第五章:CDMA2000 終端測試

03. CMU200的基本設置及測試基本操作--CDMA2000

        1. CMU200儀器簡介
        2. CMU200各功能模塊相關設置簡介
                2.1 CMU手動測試前基本參數設置
                2.2 SERVICE.CFG
                2.3 BSSIGNAL
                2.4 AF/RF
                2.5 NET work
                2.6 NETworkstandard
                2.7 1stServiceClass
                2.8 呼叫并建立連接
        3. 具體測試項目
                3.1 接收機靈敏度和動態范圍測試
                3.2 頻率準確度測試
                3.3 波形質量和頻率準確度測試
                3.4 最大射頻輸出功率測試
                3.5 最小發射功率測試
                3.6 門控輸出功測試
                3.7 開環輸出功率時間響應測試
                3.8 發射機帶內雜散抑制測試
                3.9 碼域功率測試
                3.10 單頻抗擾度測試
                3.11 互調雜散響應衰減測試
                3.12 接收機傳導性雜散發射測試
                3.13 閉環功率控制測試

04. CMU200 CDMA2000手機測試步驟

        R&S 中國培訓中心編寫的使用CMU200測試CDMA2000手機射頻指標的中文教程,詳細介紹了3GPP2規范C.S0011-A中規定的每項射頻指標測試的具體操作步驟。包括:
        3.4 Forward Traffic Channel Demodulation Performance
        3.5.1 Receiver Sensitivity and Dynamic Range
        4.3.1 Time Reference
        4.3.2 Reverse Pilot Channel to Code Channel Time Tolerance
        4.3.3 Reverse Pilot Channel to Code Channel Phase Tolerance
        4.3.4 Waveform Quality and Frequency Accuracy
        4.3.5 Code Domain Power
        4.4.1 Range of Open Loop Output Power
        4.4.2 Time Response of Open Loop Power Control
        4.4.4 Range of Closed Loop Power Control
        4.4.5 Maximum RF Output Power
        4.4.6 Minimum Controlled Output Power
        4.4.7 Standby Output Power and Gated Output Power
        4.4.9 Code Channel to Reverse Pilot Channel Output Power Accuracy
        4.5.1 Conducted Spurious Emissions

07. CMU200 Operating Manual for CDMA2000 Mobile Tests—— 763頁PDF

        The present operating manual describes the application of CMU for CDMA2000 mobile tests, CDMA2000 Data Testing. It gives comprehensive information about the operating concept and about manual and remote control of the CMU tester. Typical measurement tasks are explained in detail using the functions offered by the graphical user interface and a selection of program examples.
        The manual is organized as follows:
        Chapter 1 Describes the steps necessary for installing the software and putting the instrument into operation.
        Chapter 2 Gives an introduction to the application of CMU for CDMA2000 mobile tests and presents some typical measurement examples.
        Chapter 3 Describes the operation in principle and the principles of measurement control.
        Chapter 4 Serves as a reference of all functions of the user interface and their application. Allowed settings, default values and the corresponding remote control commands are listed for all functions.
        Chapter 5 Describes the basics of remote control of the instrument for CDMA2000 mobile tests.
        Chapter 6 Lists all remote control commands defined for CDMA2000 mobile tests. At the end of the chapter the commands are grouped together according to their function and sorted by alphabetical order.
        Chapter 7 Contains program examples.
        Chapter 8 Describes option R&S CMU-K87, CDMA2000 Data Testing.
        Chapter 9 Describes option R&S CMU-K47, R&S Smart Alignment.
        Chapter 10 Contains a list of error codes
        Chapter 11 Contains an index for the operating manual.




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