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Defining an Expression

Expressions are mathematical descriptions that typically contain intrinsic functions, such as sin(x), and arithmetic operators, such as +, -, *, and /, well as defined variables. For example, you could define: x_size = 1mm, y_size = x_size + sin(x_size). Defining one variable in terms of another makes a dependent variable. Dependent variables, though useful in many situations, cannot be the subject of optimization, sensitivity analysis, tuning, or statistical analysis.

The Constants tab of the Project Variables dialog lists the available pre-defined constants. These may not be reassigned a new value.



Numerical values may be entered in ANSYS’s shorthand for scientific notation. For example, 5x107 could be entered as 5e7.

Related Topics

Defining Mathematical Functions

Using Valid Operators for Expressions

Using Intrinsic Functions for Expressions

Using Piecewise Linear Functions for Expressions

Using Dataset Expressions