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Running Simulations > High Performance Computing (HPC) Integration > Integration with Grid Engine (GE)
Example SGE qsub Command Lines
All of the following examples show how to submit Linux HFSS jobs on SGE, but similar command lines will work for all Ansoft products.
Serial job using command line:
qsub -b y /opt/Ansoft/HFSS14.0/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve
• The -b y option indicates that hfss is launched directly from the command line, instead of using a script.
• No queue is specified, so the default queue will be used
Serial job with a hard runtime limit of 15 minutes:
qsub -b y -l h_rt=00:15:00 /opt/Ansoft/HFSS14.0/hfss14/hfss
-ng -BatchSolve ~/projects/OptimTee.hfss
• The -l h_rt=00:15:00 option indicates that this job has a "hard" runtime limit of 15 minutes.
Serial job using a script, with a runtime limit specified in the script:
qsub ~/sge/scripts/OptimTee.csh
• The -b y option is absent, so the script ~/sge/scripts/OptimTee.csh will be run when the job starts.
• The script file OptimTee.csh may contain SGE directives in addition to the command(s) to run. In this example, a directive with a hard runtime limit if 15 minutes is included in the script.
Script file contents:
#$ -l h_rt=00:15:00
/opt/Ansoft/HFSS14.0/hfss14/hfss -ng -BatchSolve
• The SGE directive #$ -l h_rt=00:15:00 is equivalent to including -l h_rt=00:15:00 on the qsub command line.
Distributed processing job using 4 engines:
qsub -b y -pe pe1 4 /opt/Ansoft/HFSS14.0/hfss14/hfss
-ng -BatchSolve -Distributed ~/projects/OptimTee.hfss
• The -b y option indicates that hfss is launched directly from the command line, instead of using a script.
• The -pe pe1 4 command_line option indicates that this is a parallel job running under the pe1 parallel environment, and that 4 cores or processors are allocated to this parallel job.
• The -Distributed option indicates that this is a DSO job, so that multiple engines will be started. Because 4 cores are allocated to the job, the job will run 4 engines.
Related Topics
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