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Running Simulations > High Performance Computing (HPC) Integration
Integration with PBS (Portable Batch System) Professional from Altair Engineering
The PBS Pro scheduler is only supported on Linux. Jobs may be submitted in any of the following ways [unchanged from R14]:
Using PBS commands (qsub, etc.) or the PBS gui (xpbs)
Ansoft software has been tested with the following version of PBS Pro:
Submitting Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs
The PBS qsub command may be used to submit Ansoft batch jobs. The typical command format is:
qsub qsub_args script
are the options
of the qsub command,
is the pathname
of the job script.
The job script is a shell script containing the Ansoft batch command or commands to be run. If a batch command line contains any characters that are special to the shell running the script, then these special characters should be quoted, as needed. The job script may also contain PBS directives on lines before the first executable line of the script. Any qsub options on the command line will take precedence over the PBS directives in the job script.
When a PBS batch job is started, the job script runs as the job user in a new shell. In this shell environment, the path must include the directory containing the PBS commands. You should ensure that the path set in the shell startup script, i.e., .cshrc, .profile, .bashrc, etc. includes the directory containing the PBS commands.
Serial PBS Batch Jobs
In the PBS documentation, serial batch jobs are also called single-node jobs. In general, any job submitted without specifying the -l nodes=value command line argument, will run as a serial or single-node job.
See the section on Monitoring Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs for options that can facilitate monitoring of Ansoft batch jobs.
Parallel PBS Batch Jobs
In the PBS documentation, parallel batch jobs are also called multi-node jobs. When an Ansoft batch job is run as an PBS parallel job, the PBS scheduler will select the hosts for the distributed analysis job based on the qsub command line arguments, the PBS resource directives from the job script, and the status of the hosts when the job is run. The desktop process will be started on one of these hosts. The desktop process will obtain the list of hosts allocated to the job from the PBS scheduler, and start analysis processes on these hosts, as needed, using the PBS scheduler facilities. To run a PBS parallel job, the job must be submitted with a -l nodes=value qsub command line argument or with a -l nodes=value PBS directive in the job script.
See the section on Monitoring Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs for options that can facilitate monitoring of Ansoft batch jobs.
Related Topics
Monitoring Ansoft PBS Batch Jobs
Example PBS qsub Command Lines
Example PBS qsub Command Lines
What a Scheduler Does