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Technical Notes > Radiated Fields > Array Factors
Power Normalizations
When the array factor feature is in use, the power normalization used to compute realized gain, gain, and directivity are modified as follows.
Let ,
, and
denote the incident, accepted, and radiated power of the single array
element. When the array factor feature is invoked for an array of N
elements, the array incident power, array accepted power, and the array
radiated power will be computed simply as the sums of the corresponding
element powers. Symbolically
(13) |
(14) |
(15) |
Caution: The above power array formulas are applicable to uniform excitation of large planar arrays analyzed using a unit cell with linked boundaries. For array elements that have been analyzed in isolation, only the incident power formula is rigorous, and the accepted and radiated power normalizations are generally not accurate.