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Working with HFSS Projects
Open a previously saved project using the File>Open command.
1. Click File>
2. Use the file browser to find the HFSS or HFSS-IE .hfss project file.
By default, files that can be opened or translated by HFSS or HFSS-IE are displayed.
3. Select the file you want to open.
4. Click OK.
The project information appears in the project tree.
You can also open a saved project by:
Dragging an HFSS or HFSS-IE project file icon to the HFSS or HFSS-IE icon.
Dragging an HFSS or HFSS-IE project file icon to the HFSS or HFSS-IE desktop.
Double-clicking on an HFSS or HFSS-IE project file icon.
Related Topics
Opening Legacy HFSS Projects
Opening Example Projects
Updating Design Components