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Setting the Maximum Delta S Per Pass

For designs with ports or Transient Solutions for Device Characterization.

The delta S is the magnitude of the change of the S-parameters between two consecutive passes. The value you set for Maximum Delta S is a stopping criterion for the adaptive solution. If the magnitude of the change of all S-parameters are less than this value from one iteration to the next, the adaptive analysis stops. Otherwise, it continues until the requested number of passes is completed.

To set the maximum delta S per adaptive pass:

• Under the General tab of the Solution Setup dialog box, enter a value for Maximum Delta S.

Delta S data is available only after HFSS completes two iterations of the adaptive analysis process.


Delta S is computed on the appropriate S-parameters - modal or terminal - after the S-parameters have been de-embedded and renormalized.

Related Topics

Adding a Solution Setup to an HFSS Design

Adding an Solution Setup to an HFSS-IE Design

Viewing the Maximum Magnitude of Delta S Between Passes

Technical Notes: Maximum Delta S