【英文視頻】CST天線仿真04 - 射頻干擾
耦合矩陣 (S參數(shù),F(xiàn)riss vs 3D全波)
Interference Task 共址干擾分析 demo
結果分析 (違規(guī)矩陣圖,接收功率或密度,EMI余量)demo
利用低通濾波器減少VHF諧波 demo
What we call RF interference is “Degradation in the performance of an RF system due to other electronic or RF systems typically co-located on the same platform”. What is interesting in this definitionis that the interferer is not necessary another RF system. It can be any type of electronic sysbstem, for example one that is actually not intended for wireless for example a data bus. Typically the systems are located on the same platform. It is also important to note that degradation does not mean that the system is completely malfunctioning. What might happen is that the performance of a system drops, for example by decreasing the link speed.
In this video, the platform is a vehicle with two occupants. The car is equipped with GPS satellite navigation,FM broadcast radio and two two-way radio systems in the VHF and UHF businessbands. In addition, the passenger is holding a smartphone which includes aWi-Fi transceiver. These antennas are also mountedin close proximity between each other and for this reason the couplingbetween these antennas can lead to cosite interference effects, degrading theperformance of the systems or disrupting them altogether.
First, the coupling matrix of a possible scenario of antenna placement on car platform has been computed using a full wave simulation performed with the time domain solver. Then, the interference analysis was carried out using the new Interference task feature.
In the interference Task, the RF behavior, the RF systems are defined and the (parasitic) received power at each receiver are obtained. The results of the interference task analysis is the violation matrix that displays an overview of all the systems under investigation and provides information onthe worst case interference and the cause of this type of interference.